Tuesday, 4 May 2010

OSPF areas

Ok so I have got a blog gap of three months rather then 6. I'm hoping to get this down to just a week at some point.
The company I work for have orderd a second internet connection, the idea is that this acts as a failover for our current internet connection on one site and serves as a live connection for users on its site.
Confused? Ok let me paint the picture, draw a triangle, put a dot at each corner of that triangle. Those dots are our three sites. The two dots at the bottom are our main sites. Lets label them A and B. The edges of the triangle is our wan connectivity between sites. You have just drawn a network diagram (see how easy my job is).
Now Site A has an internet conection and it currently serves all three sites. The Site B is going to get a connection and this will serve site B primarily. It's secondary function being that it will act as a failover for site A. Site A will serve site A and act as a filover for site B. Now the task at hand is to use OSPF to manage this, currently all three sites are in OSPF area 0. I will keep you updated on this.

I have just set up an asterisks box and am very keen to get playing with my own little VoIP pbx. I have a 7940 cisco handset kindly donated by our companys telecoms provider. I am also going to be putting my Xbox into the cupboard. I know its a sad day, but it does do a wonderous job of being a distraction from my studies. So tonight in the cupboard it will go, maybe I'll have one game of modern warfare first............